Monday, July 9, 2007

this past week...

so this past week has been pretty busy. there was the 4th of july holiday, which was a nice break from classes. i think we should have wednesdays off every week. i didn't really do anything special for the holiday, but it was nice to have a day to chill out. thursday was nuts. my little brother moved into the art institute of philadelphia, so i spent the whole day moving boxes and dorm furniture. my back still hasn't forgiven me. i'm really glad he's in the city with me. on friday he was feeling a little homesick, and i was happy to be able to just take a short subway ride and have dinner with him. friday was my day off of class and work, so i had a three day weekend, which i spent packing up my apartment for my up coming move! i am signing my lease tomorrow and i couldn't be more excited! i called this morning and reserved the moving van, but i still have so much packing to do. how i fit as much crap as i did into a little one bedroom apartment is beyond me. so hopefully i'll be completely in my apartment by the end of the day friday, but that means i have a busy week ahead of me...

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