Monday, August 27, 2007

end of summer

so summer term is coming to a close. as much as i really enjoyed my classes, i wish i had squeezed in a bit more beach time. luckily i am going to wildwood with a bunch of people for labor day weekend which should be a lot of fun. also, i'm looking forward to a family vacation to florida during break. i wish i only had stuff to be excited about, but unfortunately i am stressing about my final poetry submission for creative writing. (it always seems like i am stressed about a writing project when i post in here.) i also have projects for my two other classes since they all wrap up this week. and i am a little stressed about the gre exams which i am taking on september 12th. who would have thought grad school would be this scary? i can't believe i only have 3 short terms left here at drexel. the time seems to have flown by...

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