Monday, June 25, 2007

first week of classes

so i had a really fun weekend. it was a nice end to my week long summer break. two of my best friends from high school came up to visit, and since we all turned 21 recently we went out to a club and went dancing. it was so much fun. i was at the beach on thursday and friday, so i was pretty tan for me ( which is still pretty tan for everyone else), so i felt all pretty. my friend brenda and i love to get all primped up to go out, so we always take like three hours to get ready, but thats half the fun! one of my favorite things about going to drexel is living in the city. since my home town is in the middle of nowhere my friends love to come visit me up here, and there is always something fun for us to do.

but anyway, today is the first day of classes for the summer term. i only have one today, but it is creative writing so i am looking forward to it. i decided to write a novel this summer, but i have a pretty short attention span, so who knows if that will actually happen. but for right now i have a ton of reading to do for class tonight that i didn't know about until now, so i'm going to get on that. more later.

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