Friday, June 8, 2007

last day of classes!

so today is friday of week ten and it is my last day of classes for spring term. as of the end of this term i will be a senior, which is awesome since i just changed my major this term and i will still be graduating in 2008. i am so glad this week is almost over. most of my classes had their final exams and projects this week, so it's been pretty hectic. i can't wait to have free time to clean my apartment! (i know that sounds lame, but it is really messy.) i'm also looking forward to next week because i am exempt from all of my finals except one take home test, so it's like my break is starting a week early. now i just need to figure out something fun to do this weekend. last weekend there was tons of stuff going on on campus (i went to the dance ensemble's spring show), but since everyone will be studying for finals there is nothing like that this weekend. my friend from anthro is having a birthday party tonight, so that should be fun, but what about the rest of the weekend??

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