Monday, August 27, 2007

end of summer

so summer term is coming to a close. as much as i really enjoyed my classes, i wish i had squeezed in a bit more beach time. luckily i am going to wildwood with a bunch of people for labor day weekend which should be a lot of fun. also, i'm looking forward to a family vacation to florida during break. i wish i only had stuff to be excited about, but unfortunately i am stressing about my final poetry submission for creative writing. (it always seems like i am stressed about a writing project when i post in here.) i also have projects for my two other classes since they all wrap up this week. and i am a little stressed about the gre exams which i am taking on september 12th. who would have thought grad school would be this scary? i can't believe i only have 3 short terms left here at drexel. the time seems to have flown by...

Monday, July 30, 2007


okay, so it's been a little while since i posted, but i've been pretty boring lately. i've been in home improvement mode, which includes drilling holes in stuff with a power drill, attaching bookshelves to the wall, and electricuting myself while installing a light fixture. but it's okay, because i really like how the new place looks. right now i'm just stressing out about my short story for creative writing. it's due tonight, and i'm not sure if it is any good. first of all, it is a half a page too long, and i can't find anything else to cut out of it. second of all i'm not that confident of a writer and i don't want to look dumb, since i am going for my certificate in creative writing and publishing. wish me luck...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

in the new apartment!!!

so we got everything moved in pretty much, and now it is just a matter of unpacking it all. i hate comcast so much. so far they have managed to screw up our cable installation three times already. i didn't realize how addicted i am to tv and internet until now when i don't have it. aside from that crap the place is pretty and much bigger than my old place. i'm really happy with it, and i can't wait until i have all my stuff unpacked and put away.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


signing my lease today!!!!

anyway, last night was the first orientation ice cream social. it was pretty fun, which is good since these things are going to take up my monday and thursday nights for pretty much the rest of the summer. i think i'm getting to old or something, b/c 11:30 was just too late for it to end. i'm tired today. how pathetic is that?

Monday, July 9, 2007

this past week...

so this past week has been pretty busy. there was the 4th of july holiday, which was a nice break from classes. i think we should have wednesdays off every week. i didn't really do anything special for the holiday, but it was nice to have a day to chill out. thursday was nuts. my little brother moved into the art institute of philadelphia, so i spent the whole day moving boxes and dorm furniture. my back still hasn't forgiven me. i'm really glad he's in the city with me. on friday he was feeling a little homesick, and i was happy to be able to just take a short subway ride and have dinner with him. friday was my day off of class and work, so i had a three day weekend, which i spent packing up my apartment for my up coming move! i am signing my lease tomorrow and i couldn't be more excited! i called this morning and reserved the moving van, but i still have so much packing to do. how i fit as much crap as i did into a little one bedroom apartment is beyond me. so hopefully i'll be completely in my apartment by the end of the day friday, but that means i have a busy week ahead of me...

Thursday, June 28, 2007


12 days until we sign the lease on our beautiful new apartment!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Creative Writing

so i just wanted to say my creative writing class was really interesting and fun last night. it was a great first class for the summer term. i have philosophy 105 and psychological testing and assessment today, which don't sound anywhere near as fun. the bright side of the philosophy class is my boyfriend already took the same course with the same professor, so he gave me his old book and saved me $75 at the bookstore. pretty sweet.

Monday, June 25, 2007

first week of classes

so i had a really fun weekend. it was a nice end to my week long summer break. two of my best friends from high school came up to visit, and since we all turned 21 recently we went out to a club and went dancing. it was so much fun. i was at the beach on thursday and friday, so i was pretty tan for me ( which is still pretty tan for everyone else), so i felt all pretty. my friend brenda and i love to get all primped up to go out, so we always take like three hours to get ready, but thats half the fun! one of my favorite things about going to drexel is living in the city. since my home town is in the middle of nowhere my friends love to come visit me up here, and there is always something fun for us to do.

but anyway, today is the first day of classes for the summer term. i only have one today, but it is creative writing so i am looking forward to it. i decided to write a novel this summer, but i have a pretty short attention span, so who knows if that will actually happen. but for right now i have a ton of reading to do for class tonight that i didn't know about until now, so i'm going to get on that. more later.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

graduation party

so finals week is over and i am anxiously awaiting the posting of the rest of my grades. i hope i do well this term, so i can bring my gpa up for grad school. so far it's looking good, but i'll be worried until i see them all posted. anyway, today is my younger brother's graduation party. i can't believe he graduated from high school on tuesday! it seems like i just had my graduation party. but i guess i have another graduation to look forward to. only one year left until i'm done at drexel. the past three years have just flown by.

but anyway, this week is my summer break so i'll be home until thursday. it will be nice to hang out with my family. my aunt and uncle and cousin from hawaii are visiting so we will be doing some fun stuff to keep them entertained.

Friday, June 8, 2007

last day of classes!

so today is friday of week ten and it is my last day of classes for spring term. as of the end of this term i will be a senior, which is awesome since i just changed my major this term and i will still be graduating in 2008. i am so glad this week is almost over. most of my classes had their final exams and projects this week, so it's been pretty hectic. i can't wait to have free time to clean my apartment! (i know that sounds lame, but it is really messy.) i'm also looking forward to next week because i am exempt from all of my finals except one take home test, so it's like my break is starting a week early. now i just need to figure out something fun to do this weekend. last weekend there was tons of stuff going on on campus (i went to the dance ensemble's spring show), but since everyone will be studying for finals there is nothing like that this weekend. my friend from anthro is having a birthday party tonight, so that should be fun, but what about the rest of the weekend??